Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Third Grade Texture Prints

In Third Grade we finished working with different textures and the process of printmaking.  We discussed the different appearances of textures within a variety of artworks as well as textures around the school and in every day objects.  We also discussed Complementary Colors within this project and what they are.

Students were given the opportunity to select a texture piece (bubble wrap or saran wrap) to used as a stamp with paint which would create their background.  The students selected a complementary color pair to use with their texture stamp.

After we painted our backgrounds, students were introduced to the printing process.  We created an animal contour drawing on a foam plate, this acted as our printing plate.  Then, in groups, students printed their animal drawing onto their texture background.  Some students had a little difficulty getting a successful print without a proper printing press, but they were good sports about the situation and were proud of their works regardless. The students had a lot of fun getting to explore the world of printmaking.

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