Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kindergarten Tropical Birds

  In Kindergarten, we just finished up talking about texture within art and the many ways in which artists create various textures.  With our tropical bird project, inspired by a fellow Art Teacher's blog, we read a story about a tropical bird who was stuck in a cold place.  We discussed where tropical birds live, as well as the various colors that can be seen on the birds.

   This project was split into two days, the first day we drew our birds and added tropical colors onto them with our cork stampers.  Day two we outlined our birds with black marker to help them have distinguished edges and we gave our birds tails using rolled construction paper and feathers.  The students had a lot of fun getting to pick out their feathers and rolling the construction paper for their bird's tail.  In the background, we stamped some tropical flowers for our birds to fly around.

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