Friday, January 2, 2015

Second Grade Pointillism Landscape

In Second grade we are finishing our project where we explored the painting technique of Pointillism.  We discussed the Artist Georges Seurat and his paintings, looking at his use of colors and Pointillism.

We learned about the different parts of a Landscape Artwork- Foreground, Middle ground, and Background.  We created sketches where we used our knowledge of the Landscape parts and created our own Landscapes.

After discussing the parts of a Landscape, we started looking at Georges Seurat and his paintings- focusing on his use of Pointillism.  We practiced Pointillism by creating a color wheel and using markers to give the illusion of the colors mixing to create the desired color.  In Pointillism, the painter places colors close together to trick the eye into mixing them.

Here are some of our color wheel practices:

Here is our final Pointillism Landscape:

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