Friday, January 2, 2015

Kindergarten Gingerbread Man

In Kindergarten, our special Winter project was creating our very own Gingerbread Man out of clay.  First, we read the book Gingerbread Baby which was enjoyed by all, then we started off on creating our own Gingerbread Man.  The students received a pre-rolled slab of clay and then a stencil in the shape of a Gingerbread Man.  They traced the stencil into the clay and cut out their figure.  Then, details were added- buttons, mouth, nose...

To add color, we used Oil Pastels-any color they wanted, and then Brown watered down tempera paint.  This gave them the 'cookie' look.  The students had a lot of fun working with the clay and seeing their Gingerbread people come to life.

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