Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Lights

  In Third Grade we took some time for a fun project using our learning concept of Value, we created winter lights.  I've seen this project done on various art teacher blogs around the web and I knew that the kiddos would absolutely enjoy creating it.  We first created our light string- yarn glued onto our background paper, set this aside to dry and moved on to the lightbulbs.  I had created a stencil students could use if they did not want to try out their own lightbulb shape.
   We discussed the details of a lightbulb- the filament and the shine that occurs on the outside (glare).  Students used Oil Pastels to color in their lights and then used Chalk to outline around their lightbulb once it was glued onto their background paper.  The chalk was then pulled away from the lightbulb, creating a value change and the illusion of a glow.

Here are some 'in process' pictures:

Here are some final products ( I ran out of black paper so some students did it on white):

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