Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fifth Grade Foil Reliefs

   In fifth grade we are finishing our discussions on different forms of sculpture.  I had a power point where students were able to compare sculptures in the round and relief sculpture.  The main difference between the two is that relief sculpture has a flat background that is either built up on or carved down into.

  We then discussed our project, students were instructed to think of a word which would become the subject of their artwork.  It could be their name, a nick name, a pet's name, anything.  We then created lettering and cut those out and glued them onto a background.

   Foil was then placed on top of our design once the word was glued down, then it was smoothed down around our design pieces.  We then discussed a patina and what it is.  We added a patina to our artwork by coloring in the front with a permanent marker and then rubbing it off with steel wool, causing different values of the marker to be shown in contrast with the foil.

   Here are some of our examples:

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