Friday, February 27, 2015

Third Grade Coil Pots

   In Third Grade we are finishing up our pottery project, focusing on coils.  We talked about the artwork of the Pueblo Native Americans and also discussed the different functions pottery takes within their daily lives.  We looked at the geometric designs painted on the surfaces of the vessels and also we watched a video showing potter Maria Martinez at work in her house, the students really enjoyed watching Maria working and learning more about her style.  Here is the video link that I show students during class, it is a two part documentary on Maria.

  After the video, we discussed how we will be creating our coil pots.  There are many important steps to take in order for the pots to be successful.  We  discussed the process of scratching and slipping our clay together, this is where you take two pieces of clay and scratch them like Velcro and add water to help it stick together.

  After they were fired in the kiln, the students learned about the glazing process and the steps needed to glaze their pottery.  Students picked out one color for their pots and applied it in three layers. 

 Here are our wonderful results!

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