Friday, January 2, 2015

First Grade Abstract Kandinsky Painting

   In First Grade, we finished discussing the Artwork of Kandinsky.  We learned that he loved to put shapes in his Artwork and felt that Art did not have to show one specific thing, it could be Abstract. We discussed what Abstract means in Artworks as well as how colors can be used to show emotion within the Art. 

 After looking at some of Kandinsky's works, we began creating our own Abstract Art inspired by his paintings.  First Graders selected one shape or a variety of shapes and then outlined them with Oil Pastels.  We then learned about Watercolor and how it is different than other paints, it needs to be light in appearance and needs to be made wet to work with.  The Oil Pastel resists the paint and allows the different colors to show through. 

Here are some of our Abstract paintings:

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