Friday, October 10, 2014

Second Grade Bird's Eye View City

In Second Grade, our first project was dealing with a drawing technique called Bird's Eye View.  This technique is used to create drawings that appear to be viewed from up in the sky, making the audience feel as if they were flying overhead looking down- Like a bird. 

We created sketches practicing the technique, it has a lot of steps to follow and Second Graders did a great job taking on this challenge!  We used rulers to help guide our building lines to the Vanishing Point on our paper. 

On our final artwork, the students were given pre-cut pieces of construction paper which would be used for the roofs of the buildings.  The students used their rulers to guide their lines down to the ground level.  When finished, they created many different details to complete their cityscape.  Some created oceans and beaches off to the side, others created streets weaving through and parks for their residents to go to.  The process was a great one to watch! 

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