Monday, August 25, 2014

Second Grade Cave Art

  One of the last projects we did in Second Grade for the 2013-14 year was look at Cave Art.  We talked about how the cave people were using their world around them to communicate with one another through pictures.  The second graders loved looking at some cave videos from around the world, showing the elaborate cave drawings deep inside.
      We also read the book The First Drawing, where a young cave boy creates the very first drawing. Students created their own animal stencil inspired by the various creatures we looked at in the cave drawings.  We focused on the fact that cave people created their own paints to work with, so with our stencil we used neutral colored paints and filled in multiple copies of the animals.  We layered and overlapped as well as created motion.  The students had a great time painting their animals and seeing the end result!

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