Monday, August 25, 2014

First Grade Cave Art

     One of the last projects we did in first grade for the 2013-14 year was look at Cave Art.  We talked about how the cave people were using their world around them to communicate with one another through pictures.  The first graders loved looking at some cave videos from around the world, showing the elaborate cave drawings deep inside.

      We also read the book The First Drawing, where a young cave boy creates the very first drawing.  Using inspiration from the cave animals we saw in the videos and images, the students created their own rock wall drawing.  After completing their animal depiction, we created symbols often found in the caves behind our animals.  The students were then instructed to crumple up their paper, carefully, to give their artwork the feel and appearance of a rock wall.  Most of the kiddos had a difficult time doing this because they were worried about ruining their artwork, some really liked being able to do it and ended up ripping their paper because they went too fast.  In the end, the results from everyone were great!

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