Monday, January 4, 2016

Line Sculptures

In Kindergarten we have started to discuss various types of Lines that can be created.  We started off by filling out a line worksheet and talking about the lines that were on it, we created a line painting, and finally we created our own Line Sculptures.  This project was a lot of fun and challenged the students to use their fine motor skills with the various types of paper folding and rolling.  They all did a great job!  I demonstrated the different ways in which they could fold their construction paper strips to achieve a different type of line.  It was up to them how they then glued their strips onto the paper, my only goal was that the line stuck up and away from the paper base.  

  We discussed what a sculpture is and how it's different from a painting or a drawing, students were then given the paper strips and glue and let loose!

Here are some of our Line Sculpture solutions:

This is a favorite of mine, a racetrack!

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