Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fourth Grade Molas

In Fourth Grade, we completed a project where we discussed the Kuna people of Central America and their Artwork- Molas.  A Mola is a piece of fabric where the Artist uses many different colors and sizes of fabric to make their image.  The subject of their Art is anything from their daily life, animals they may encounter around their homes, or abstract images and designs.

We discussed different types of symmetry that can be seen in their various designs, Reflection and Rotation were the two main ones we focused on.  When we created our Mola designs, the Fourth graders were able to think of their own subject and create a sketch of their idea.  They planned out their colors as well as their layers in their sketch, so it was good practice in planning out their ideas before creating the final product.  The end results were very beautiful, a lot of cutting and work time went into the creation of our Fourth grade Molas.

Kindergarten Line Flower

In Kindergarten, we used our new knowledge of many different lines to create a Line Flower.  In this project, we started discussing shapes- Circle and Rectangle, and used them to create our Flower. 

For the top of our Flowers, we used three different sized circles and inside of each circle we created lines.  Any kind of line that we talked about was okay for the Kindergarteners to use in their flower. After creating their lines, Kindergarteners were able to trace over their lines with crayon and then color in if they wanted. 

This was another great opportunity to practice using scissors, the small nibbles and big chomps.

Kindergarten Cut Out Lines

In Kindergarten, we just finished learning about different types of lines and how we can create them.  We discussed Wavy, Zig-Zag, Straight-Horizontal and Vertical, Thick and Thin, Diagonal, Spiral and a few fun others.  We practiced our lines on a worksheet where there were labeled squares and we filled them in with the matching line, we did this activity together.

Upon finishing the practice, the Kindergarteners selected three lines to use on their project. These lines were drawn on black construction paper and then cut out.  We discussed how it is easy to cut out lines when our scissors use little nibbles and not big chomps.  This project was great scissor practice!

Once the lines were cut out, the black pieces of paper were then glued onto a colored paper that we filled in with crayons using ROYGBIV (the rainbow). The black papers were placed far enough apart so our colors peaked through and made a colorful line.