Monday, March 24, 2014

First Grade Hundertwasser Paintings

First graders finished their project in which they learned about the German artist and architect Hundertwasser.  We also discussed the warm and cool colors along with Hundertwasser's work.  The students used circles, spirals and squiggly lines within their paintings because Hundertwasser did not enjoy working with straight lines.

The students created two paintings, one warm colored painting and one cool colored.  They then selected one to be their background and one for their flowers.  The flower paper was cut out and glued onto their background to create their Hundertwasser inspired painting.

Second Grade Value Moon

Second Graders are working on discussing value scales and silhouettes.  We watched a pretty cool YouTube video that showed a dance group who projected their silhouettes onto a screen.  The kids really enjoyed watching it.

They had the opportunity to work in charcoal on this project, which they loved.  We practiced by creating value scales, a range of shading that goes from dark to light, and we then created some branch silhouette drawings.

Fifth Grade Cubist Instruments

Fifth grade finished their project discussing value scales and Cubism and the artist Pablo Picasso.  We first sketched a musical instrument, inspired by many of Picasso's instrument paintings.  The students then created a stencil they would use to help break up their drawing into many different shapes and sizes.

After creating their drawings, students traced their stencil all over their artwork providing the shapes for the values.  Two colors were selected to use for the background and their drawing's subject (the instrument).